Foot Eczema Treatment

Changes in the appearance of eczema by using Eczema-Ltd III®:

Foot Eczema

Eczema-Ltd III® is an excellent treatment to deal with foot eczema symptoms. Treating foot eczema is rather easy, once you learn how treat it correctly. We highly recommend stop using any and all steroid creams.

Bass & Boney Pharmaceuticals, Inc. an A+ rating with the BBB.

How does it? Well this is a simple answer. First wash the affect area with a mild soap, such as Neutrogena (the transparent facial bar) for dry skin - fragrance free or use Dove "Sensitive Skin Unscented Beauty Bar". Then leave the foot wet, take you Eczema-Ltd III® and glide it over that affected area. Then wait roughly 10 seconds, then apply some jojoba oil.

To control or manage foot eczema, the following recommendations may be helpful:

Symptoms of Foot Eczema

Foot eczema is characterized by symmetrical smooth, red-glazed appearance of the skin with fissuring, loss of epidermal ridge pattern, and fine scaling. It causes the sole of the foot to become red, hot, and sore.

The average age for foot eczema or foot eczema to occur is between 3-15 years of age but it occasionally occurs in adults also. The symptoms that most have are irritated red, itching and sometimes cracking skin with of the various areas of the foot that most commonly starts on the large toe or on the toes in general. Quite often it is the load bearing areas that are affected or areas of abrasion of the shoe or rubbing of the socks. Obviously, a complex area to heal as the patient has to continue to walk on the foot and toes.

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Causes of Foot Eczema

The synthetic materials or chemicals used in the shoes or socks often play an important role in foot eczema. Sweat retention and occlusion of the feet by woolen or polyester socks. Wearing shoes for long steroids of time is one of the triggers for foot eczema.

Static discharge from a carpet or an area rug can lead to foot eczema. This discharge can cause the skin on the foot to dry out faster, leading to the cracking and redness. To help resolve this is as simple as wearing some cotton socks while in the house.

Occurrence of Foot Eczema

Foot Eczema or Juvenile Plantar Eczema is skin inflammation triggered by friction of the sole of the foot often from rubbing against the inside of an poor fitting shoe. Also know as: fore foot dermatitis, atopic winter feet, fore foot eczema, and sweating sock dermatitis. The various names often depends on the belief concerning it's cause.

Foot eczema (juvenile plantar eczema) affects mainly children. One or both feet may be involved and sometimes the hands. Juvenile plantar eczema is seen most often in boys between the stages of toddlers to teenagers, but it occasionally occurs in adults. When it occurs in children it does tend to gradually improve. It is usually most severe during the summer months.

New athletic shoes are most often the problems as the shoe has to be purchased a 'little large' as the child will most likely grow. The slightest rubbing can cause friction. Changing socks daily is needed and it is best to wash even new 'white socks' to wash the white dye from the socks. Also the child may alternate athletic shoes to prevent abrasion of the new shoes. Adults may find it better to wear leather shoes that can 'breath better' than the rubber or some form of rubber athletic shoe.