Eczema Rash Treatment

Eczema-Ltd III improves eczema rashes

Eczema-Ltd III Creator: Female doctor

Eczema-Ltd III is an excellent eczema rash treatment that soothes the skin and improves the appearance of the 11 types of eczema rashes and their symptoms. Eczema-Ltd III patients see personal improvement in their skin's appearance within several days. And if anyone is unhappy, Eczema-Ltd III has a 120 day refund policy with a 100% return of money. We will teach you how to minimize the eczema skin irritation by informing you of the exposure to the irritants that you are often exposed to. Your eczema rash does not have continue as you have been told. Yes, you can prevent eczema from spreading increasing in size and intensity with our fact list below.

Eczema-Ltd III is a topical product that can be used on infants, children of all ages, and adults and can be applied to the face, eyelids and eye areas as well as on the hands, feet or any location on the body. The ingredients of Eczema-Ltd III are exactly what the skin with eczema rashes and body needs as it contains 99% of minerals already in the body. The ingredients penetrate, migrate and dry normally within 2 to 5 seconds. Eczema-Ltd is invisible on the skin and will not affect or be seen on clothing or bed linen, etc. And Eczema-Ltd III contains no irritating fragrances providing the most favorable skin acceptance for those with sensitive eczema skin rashes. The ingredients are compressed together to make the Eczema-Ltd III disk smoother than our human skin. The Eczema-Ltd III disk is glided over the skin after bathing and applied while the skin is still wet so that a small amount of ingredients will dissolve on to the skin as needed.

The 11 Types of Eczema Rashes and Symptoms are described below:

The most common form of eczema rash is Atopic Eczema. An atopic eczema rash is marked by dryness thickening, wearing, and even scarring. This chronic condition is not contagious; the cause is hereditary and usually begins in infancy as a rash on the scalp, face or upper extremities of the baby. Atopic eczema is most commonly located in areas where the body bends or experiences contact thus creating friction that can cause eczema. Young house wives and house husbands may have their first recurrence of atopic eczema as an adult due to the tasks of dishwashing and raising a child. This type of eczema affects 15 million people and is usually accompanied by asthma and hay fever. Trigger factors for atopic eczema may include harsh soap, harsh chemicals, heat and humidity, stress, certain foods (most common offenders include eggs, milk, wheat, soy protein, and peanut). Many of these ingredients can turn up in unusual places, such as all-natural soaps, makeup, cream or lotions. Inhalant allergens such as house dust mites, pets, pollen and cut grass are also triggers that can cause eczema. Atopic dermatitis is normally associated with a family history of asthma or allergic rhinitis accompanied by chronic or recurrent dry, extremely itchy, inflamed lesions. Neurodermatitis is a chronic eruption of the skin that results from continuous scratching.

Atopic eczema may also affect the skin around the eyes, the eyelids, and the eyebrows and lashes. Scratching and rubbing the eye area can cause the skin to become red, irritated and inflamed. Scratching and rubbing the area can result in patchy areas involving loss of eyebrows and eye lashes. Signs and symptoms of eye complications also include eye watering and inflammation of the eyelid (blepharitis) and the lining of the eyelid (conjunctivitis). These ocular symptoms of eczema can be very similar to ocular rosacea and can be treated as effectively as one would treat the symptoms of ocular rosacea.

Seborrheic Eczema or Seborrheic Dermatitis, and for children this skin disorder is termed Infantile Seborrheic and Eczema Child Eczema) which is most often associated with flaking and sometimes redness of the skin. Seborrheic dermatitis occurs when there is inflammation of the skin where sebaceous glands are concentrated. Seborrheic or baby eczema is genetically determined, and therefore is not contagious. This type of eczema rash can affect the face, chest, eyebrows and eyelids, nose, ears, chin, forehead, and most commonly affects the scalp. The symptoms can be unpleasant, unattractive, and uncomfortable especially during the winter months when there is less sunlight.

Seborrheic dermatitis begins with dry or greasy scaling of the scalp areas, which become red, oily and may possibly cause itching. The itching associated with seborrheic dermatitis is not as bad as the itching associated with psoriasis. Seborrheic dermatitis is often thought of as a severe case of dandruff accompanied at times by an odor, which is caused by the buildup of bacteria on the scalp. Seborrheic dermatitis cannot be cured. However, remissions due to treatment or natural reasons do occur for varying amounts of time.

Infantile seborrheic eczema, also called Cradle Cap, is a rash affecting the face, scalp, and upper extremities and is often associated with food consumption (cheese, egg whites, wheat, or nuts are a common cause of infantile seborrheic eczema). Other triggers that can cause baby eczema include soaps, laundry detergents, fabric softeners, wool, and polyester or blended fabrics. A natural treatment, feeding the baby breast milk can help to control or limit eczema in infants. The symptoms usually fade away, but can progress in older children to dermatitis of the neck and upper and lower extremities. Child/infantile eczema will fade away or may persist in localized areas of the hands and face. Oozing and crusting are common symptoms. The symptoms may also fade only to return in times of stress. Child/infantile eczema usually will clear up by school age but can resurface in adulthood.

Application of Eczema-Ltd III

Perioral dermatitis is an eczema rash that affects mostly women. This rash usually occurs as redness around the mouth, the symptoms of perioral dermatitis may also include small red bumps or even pus bumps and mild peeling. Treatments include using a non-tartar, non-fluoride toothpaste. Lip balms, lipstick, mouthwash or toothpaste can also cause perioral dermatitis.

Contact Eczema is an inflammatory response by the skin to an outside allergen or irritant. Again this type of eczema rash is caused by an allergic reaction through contact with an irritant. Substances that cause contact eczema include household items, clothing, cosmetics, and plants. The types of substance that cause the symptoms to appear can further define contact eczema. A substance that has a direct toxic effect or exposure to an irritant produces irritant contact eczema and a skin reaction can occur immediately or gradually after repeat exposure. Examples of substances that cause irritant contact eczema include acids, certain toilet bowl cleaners or drain cleaners, oven cleaners, detergents, ammonia, lye, cement, turpentine, and paint thinners. Allergic contact eczema will trigger an immunologic response that causes inflammation called a skin allergy. Examples of substances that cause allergic contact eczema include poison ivy, poison sumac, poison oak, dyes, fragrances, leather, rubber compounds (gloves and shoes) and nickel (jewelry accessories). Itching and burning are common symptoms in both types of contact dermatitis. Typically the symptoms of contact dermatitis include redness, swelling and oozing. If left untreated, contact dermatitis can result in dry, thickened, cracked skin. The webs of the fingers, back of the hands and forearms are common sites of contact. Local contact with an allergen followed by exposure to ultraviolet radiation (sunlight) can cause photo allergic eczema rash.

Dyshidrotic Eczema includes itching of the hands and feet, which can cause a sudden onset of blisters. Symptoms of this rash include burning pain or itching may be experienced before blisters appear. The cause of dyshidrotic eczema may be sensitivity to nickel or other metals such as chromium or cobalt, also fragrances, fungal infection (tinea pedis), stress, aspirin, oral contraceptives, smoking, and implanted metals. Dyshidrotic eczema is a form of hand eczema, which is more common in women and starts on the sides of the fingers as itchy little bumps and then develops into a rash. Dyshidrotic eczema may affect only the feet. Some patients have involvement of both hands and feet. Eczema-Ltd III can help Dyshidrotic eczema skin can heal and recover the appearance.

The symptoms of Dyshidrotic eczema include: red, itchy, scaly, cracked skin with blisters up to one inch in diameter, usually on the palms of the hands. The cause of hand eczema is usually a combination of sensitive skin and irritation or an allergic reaction from materials touched. Prevention and avoidance can be an aid the treatment. The following suggestions will be helpful for anyone with symptoms of hand eczema: wear waterproof or cotton-lined gloves, avoid contact with soaps, detergents, scouring powders, and irritating chemicals. Wear waterproof gloves when peeling or squeezing lemons, oranges, or grapefruit, peeling potatoes, or handling tomatoes. Wear heavy-duty gloves while gardening, wash dishes in a dishwasher, do not wash clothes by hand, avoid contact with turpentine, paint, and paint thinner, floor polish, and shoe polish. Wash hands in warm water and a small amount of mild soap, rinse carefully and dry gently. Wearing rings can cause hand eczema to become worse.

Pustular Eczema may cause blister-like lesions of noninfectious pustules (yellow pus spots) and intense scaling usually found on the hands or feet. The blisters tend to become red and scaly and may crack. Individuals with pustular eczema can be seriously ill and may require hospitalization during the course of their treatment. Hyper linearity atopic eczema occurs in the palms and results in increased numbers and depth of the lines on the palms of the hands with little redness.

Foot Eczema is a rash concentrated in scaly areas of irritated skin, common in children. Foot eczema can cause feet to dry out and crack. The most common cause of foot eczema is dyes used in the manufacture of shoes and sneakers, which are made with dyes and/or rubber. These irritants cause rashes and dry or scaly skin. Leather shoes also contain dyes. Also known as dyshidrosia or dyshidrotic eczema, foot eczema has nothing to do with sweating feet. Sweating is an important symptom in that it washes off natural oils, which lead to additional dryness. The symptoms of foot eczema are characterized by the sudden onset (1 to 3 days) of deep-seated, clear vesicles, which resemble the pearls in tapioca pudding. In the later stages, scaling, thickening, and painful fissuring may occur. Secondary bacterial infection is very often a complication with dyshidrotic eczema. Successful treatment may include wearing socks that are 60% cotton and changing shoes every day -- alternate 2 to 3 pairs of shoes. Follow recommended treatments for at least 4 months after skin has healed. It takes a long time for skin to recover, and unless you're careful the eczema will reoccur. Pompholyx or pedopompholyx eczema is vesicular foot eczema. In early stages it is seen as tiny blisters deep in the skin associated with itching and may cause a burning feeling. In later stages, it shows more peeling, cracking or crusting.

Xerotic Eczema, winter itch, or asteatotic eczema is a rash that occurs in winter and in the elderly on the legs, arms, and hands. It is characterized by dry, cracked, fissured skin and redness. Stasis eczema is a rash of the lower legs, which is due to poor return of blood to the heart. Usually the inner leg is more involved than the outer lower leg. Sometimes the rash breaks down into a sore resulting in a stasis ulcer. It affects people with varicose veins.

Nummular Eczema is a ringworm-like rash of circular, itchy, scaling patches,> widespread on the arms and legs but may also be found on the trunk and buttocks. Nummular eczema is most common in older people with very dry skin.

Discoid Eczema-Psoriasis is found in adults and appears suddenly as a few coin-shaped areas of red skin, normally on the trunk or lower legs. The areas become itchy and may weep fluid. Eczema diabetes is also known as leg ulcers. Venous stasis eczema is a persistent inflammation of the skin of the lower third of the legs associated with erythema and brown hyper pigmentation.

The Cause of Eczema Rash is listed below:

The cause of the eczema rashes is the immune system response that causes the skin cells to grow faster than the normal cells. The T-cells are produced to fight the allergen. The body activates an immune system response often resulting in a rash, welts and a flushed appearance. Eczema rashes are the result of the immune system response to an irritant either through contact, inhalation or ingestion.

Eczema rashes are long term skin conditions that can be improved. An eczema rash typically happens when our skin comes into contact with an allergen. An eczema rash can start from a simple change in soap brand, the change in the weather and so on. To relieve these symptoms Eczema-Ltd III has developed a soothing blend of minerals that are specially formulated to enhance the healing ability of the skin. Eczema-Ltd III will also improve the look and feel of eczema rashes and other eczema skin related conditions. These minerals combined will restore the balance to the skin that is needed for the healing process. Once you can control the itch from an eczema rash, you can begin the process of controlling the cause of the rash.

And you will learn much more about Eczema-Ltd III and eczema on our home page.